Leadership Reports

Filter and Sort Instructions

A search form and/or sort form is displayed above the report. The user can select which field they want to search by a dropdown selection and type in a search term. Only fields that are displayed can be searched or sorted.  By placing only one or few letters the search will return where ever the letter(s) might be.  Like an ‘e’ will return both ‘Yes’ and ‘Either’.  The use of the ‘*’ wildcard enables you to search for records beginning with the letter ‘b’ the search would be ‘b*’, even more than one can be used ‘r*v*’. Please note that only one item may be searched at a time and searching the skills must be the full word with a capital or the numbers 1 to 5.

Note: In reports that show the last name in Blue, when clicked it will open up a screen that contains all of an individual’s information. Clicking a Blue email address will open your email program to send an email.

Roster Reports
Individuals Information Reports
Special Reports