A cold morning greeted us, 33 degrees F (only occurs two to three times a year!). Breakfast and hot coffee got us going though.

We held our worship and devotions at the Casa de Fe (house of faith) church in Mexico. The pastor and some of the congregation greeted us warmly and prepared snacks for us.

Today’s devotion was on Jesus declaring that we are the salt of the earth. The various properties of salt were discussed (preservative, flavor enhancer, wound healing, etc.). Salt in biblical times was a valuable asset and was essential for daily life.

We then split up into four work teams: building a new power warehouse, building a classroom, building walls at the Noplera Community Center, and painting some of the inside walls of the Alianza church. Three of the four projects were outside in cold,wet and windy conditions – but we overcame the conditions.

We enjoyed eating freshly made Mexican food (including tamales!) with the children from the Refugio orphanage.

The afternoon work session was a continuation of the morning projects.

We then headed back across the border without incident and enjoyed a filling and tasty meal at the Olive Garden restaurant.