Today everyone is aware of the spiritual high we experienced on Sunday. So we are more deliberately encouraging one another and praying that we will win the spiritual warfare with God’s help in the day ahead. This is our last day of work projects and we know that Satan knows how to disrupt the plans of men. But we will rely on the fact that we are committed to God’s plan this day so that the light of Christ through us will dispel any darkness lurk around the corners.

The morning devotion took place in the Border Missions Church in McAllen, TX. Today’s scripture found in 1 Cor 10:13 drew our attention to the difficult, or uneasy, topic of temptation. While it doesn’t make the subject any easier to face we were assured that all men face it in one form or another. What does provide reassurance for us is that God doesn’t allow temptations to exceed our capacity to resist with the provision of escape He has promised that we might not succumb to temptation. As men we must look for God’s provision of escape, choose perseverance and keep our eyes on the eternal prize. We were reminded that the effort on our part requires constant ‘practice’, or repetition, of Christ-like behaviors and thoughts to prevent the temptation from maturing into sinful acts or thoughts, which then lead to our own separation from God. That separation has consequences of not only spiritual death but can have worldly consequences, including physical death. Rather than being a lesson of condemnation it was a lesson of assurance of God’s grace and provision.

Before departing for our various project sites we prayed intentionally for God’s protection from discouragement or discord as well as joyful hearts to carry out His work. Prayer was also lifted up for our families and loved ones at home that they might likewise be protected by God’s grace and provision to face the difficulties of our absence. We prayed for our relationships with the local ministers and nationals who we will engage on our projects that they might reflect the love of Christ through us and that ultimately those that haven’t might be drawn to surrender to His Lordship.

A very busy morning of construction in Raynosa, Mexico was planned for everyone. With prayers ligted up to God all along the way I think we experienced the most effortless border crossing so far. At the end of the day the crossing was also the quickest and smoothest so far. It seems amazing that on the job sites men from around the US seem to work not only in harmony with one another but also remarkably organized and productive. Skills and abilities vary but it is clear that Jesus Christ and his example as a servant is showing forth in every man. The weather was chilly and overcast throughout the day but by all accounts great things were accomplished on project sites including reports of unexpected interaction with local children or church members. In all the day’s events the spirit of Christian fellowship by the Power Ministry men was abundant.

On a more worldly level the Power Ministry group had some wonderful food both at lunch and at dinner. We gathered once again at the Alianza Christiana Church for lunch. We were treated to tacos ‘al pastore’ with all the necessary ingredients including cilantro, onions, various salsas, lime and even pineapple for some … YUM! While dinner was state-side it was no less delicious consisting of BBQ and great sides.